Eye Drops For Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

Are you frequently suffer from dry eyes or visual discomfort? A healthy eye depends on the flow of tears to provide consistent lubrication and moisture, maintaining good comfort and clear vision. Tears are made up of a combination of oils for lubrication, water for moisture, and mucus for spreading, and also come packed with special proteins and antibodies that help to protect the eye from infection. The various components that make up tears are secreted by glands located around the eye, and when the system stops working as it should, people suffer from dry eyes.

The Main Causes for Dry Eye : Dry eye occurs when the eye is unable to properly produce tears, or when the tears are not of the proper consistency, and therefore evaporate too quickly. Along with dry eye, it is common to experience inflammation around the surface of the eye, and if this is left untreated, the condition may lead to ulcers, pain, or scars across the cornea, as well as the potential for some vision loss. Thankfully, permanent vision loss associated with dry eye is not common. Dry eye often makes it difficult to perform certain activities, such as reading or using a computer, and it can make living in dry environments highly uncomfortable. Other names for dry eye syndrome include dysfunctional tear syndrome, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, lacrimal keratoconjunctivitis, aqueous tear deficiency, evaporative tear deficiency, and LASIK-induced neurotrophic epitheliopathy.

It can be associated with:

any disease process that may alter the components in tears
inflammation of the lacrimal gland, the conjunctiva, or the surface of the eye
cosmetic surgery, such as if the eyelids are opened too wide.
an increase in the surface area of the eye – such as in thyroid diseases when the eye protrudes
Symptoms of Dry Eye
The signs and symptoms of dry eye, which typically stretch to both eyes, regardless of the condition, may include:

  • string mucus around or inside the eye
  • a burning, stinging, or scratchy sensation in the eyes
  • redness within the eyes
  • the feeling of having something in your eye
  • light sensitivity
  • trouble wearing contact lenses
  • watery eyes
  • eye fatigue and blurred vision
  • trouble seeing at night
  • Treating Dry Eye with Eye Drops

The best way a person can help to relieve their own symptoms of dry eye is to utilize gels, artificial tears, ointments, and eye drops that are available either on a prescription basis, or as over-the-counter remedies. These solutions offer a way to replace tears in patients with a deficiency, and offer temporary relief. The eye drops available to people suffering from dry eye syndrome can frequently be categorized into two: the first category is for prescription eye drops, and the second is for over the counter (OTC) eye drops. OTC eye drops can be an appropriate solution in many cases, and are also far more convenient and cheaper for the patient involved. However, if symptoms persist or get worse, then it is crucial to visit an eye doctor.